industria ittica torrenovese srl

Fillets of anchovies gr 100 gourmet black truffles

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Product’s description

Fillets of anchovies in organic extra virgin olive oil and natural flavour of black truffles in glass iar with aluminium lid


industria ittica torrenovese srl
via pietra di roma, 98070 torrenova, Italy

Product’s features

Product Information

Brand product Mari d' Amuri
Certification BRC-IFS
Dietary preferences additive free
Quantity per 12
Shipping packaging cardboard
Made in Italy
Conservation technology freezing
Storage temperature between +5 and +10°C
Exhibit at the trade show SIAL Paris 24
Minimum storage life > 18 months
Product packaging jar, glass
Target market branded products for supermarkets and traditional commerce
Semi-finished food products and ingredients No


via pietra di roma, 98070 torrenova, Italy

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