Oegg Inc.

Ready to eat Soft boiled chicken eggs

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Product’s description

"Preferably fed on grains, raw eggs can be eaten.

Introducing Japan's advanced production technology and precise temperature control to ensure taste High quality orange runny egg yolk, no eggy smell After being braised for a long time, the egg yolk will not choke and the egg white will be more tender and smooth.

Can be used as snacks or as a meal companion, high in protein and low in fat, more nutritious and healthier 0 Salmonella, 0 E. coli, 7 heavy metals, 86 veterinary drug residues, and 50 antibiotics were not found."


Oegg Inc.
No.356 Wangcheng Road, Changsha City, 410200 CHANGSHA, China

Product’s features

Product Information

Brand product Oegg
Certification BRC-IFS
Made in China
Exhibit at the trade show SIAL Paris 24
Semi-finished food products and ingredients No


No.356 Wangcheng Road, Changsha City, 410200 CHANGSHA, China
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