Armada Foods

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Business information

Legal name
Armada Gıda Ticaret Sanayi A.Ş.
Business address
Toroslar Mh. Atatürk-8 Bulvarı No:17 Akdeniz, 33100 Mersin, Türkiye
Full name
Esra Coşkun

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


Armada Foods is engaged in business sector of producing, processing, importing, exporting and transit activities of conventional and organic Pulses and Bulgur. Armada Foods works with private companies government entities and international aid organisations from 83 different countries as a market.
Emphasizing on the international standards, Armada Foods that holds Brc, Sedex, Fda, ISO 9001,ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 45001, Halal, Kosher, Biosuisse Organic, Krav, TC Organik Tarım , NOP Organic and EU Organic certificates is adopting and applying supreme production principles and is sensitive to clients, environment and employees alike.
Armada serves machineries with state of art technology
Having the state of art technology facility for pulses and grains, Armada Foods is located on 60.000 m² with 26.000 m² horizontal storage area and 33.000 tons capacity 5 vertical silos. Apart from these storage areas, there are bulgur plant with 340 tons/day capacity, lentils splitting and cleaning plant with 600 tons/day capacity, packing capacity with 400.000 unit/day and pulses sieving and packing facility with 1.000 ton/day capacity.


SIAL Paris 24
8 C-096

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