Aurora Coop

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Business information

Legal name
Cooperativa Central Aurora Alimentos
Business address
Avenue Santos Dumont, 1211, Cidade Industrial Satélite de São Paulo, 07220-000 Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil
Full name
Leandro Merlin

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


Cooperating is in everyday life. It goes far beyond a business model, it is a philosophy of life. It’s thinking about the collective, dividing, sharing.

And we, at Aurora Coop, are proud to say that we are made up of more than 100,000 families. A sum that unites employees, rural entrepreneurs and affiliated cooperatives, which for more than five decades have been dedicated to build one of the largest food cooperatives in Brazil.

Our management is participatory and we operate in the industrialization and commercialization of pork meat, poultry meat, dairies, pastas, vegetables, fishes and supplements for animal nutrition. The care we use to produce raw material in the field, the transparency in our relationships and the excellence used in each production stage of our food, guarantees the recognition of consumers all over the world, positioning us as one of Brazil’s main animal protein industries.

Learn more about our universe and essence here.


SIAL Paris 24
6 M-156

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