BG Salmon

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Business information

Legal name
BG Salmon APS
Business address
Vestkraftsgade 1, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark
Full name
Thomas Lyngvang

Legal information

V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


BG Production focuses on knowledge, competences and rational management as well as continuous development in the implementation of the best solutions for the company and our business partners.
Therefore, in the ranks of our plant there are specialists and experts in their fields, who every day improve the processes functioning in the company's area, care for the highest quality of our products and fruitful, constantly growing business contacts around the world.

The highest quality of our products is the foundation of BG Production. It cannot be otherwise, because BG Production is responsible for delivering always healthy, fresh and tasty products to the tables of millions of people around the world.
That is why at BG Production we implement the best techniques of quality management, such as QC- Quality Control.
QC management focuses on searching for defects in the processes carried out. Quality Control thoroughly analyzes and monitors all individual stages of our products' development in terms of meeting the highest standards. Thanks to this, we are sure that only the best quality products reach our business partners.

For reasons of safety for human health, fish processing requires special measures to ensure a hygienic and safe production process.
For the sake of our end users, we constantly improve our quality processes and strive for their certification at the highest possible level.


SIAL PARIS 2022 ; SIAL Paris 24

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