Böcker GmbH

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Business information

Legal name
Klaus Böcker GmbH
Business address
Harburger Str. 47 - 51, 21614 Buxtehude, Germany
Full name
Stefan Keppler

Legal information

V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU
DE 116.462.892


Böcker GmbH has more than 50 years of experience in the fruit processing business. The family company located close to Hamburg produces, sells and distributes fruit juices, purees, concentrates and oils:
- more than 30 fruits
- produced in our own factories and the one's of our reliable partners
- mutiple logistic services

The following processing companies belong to Böcker group:
- Antigua Processors / Guatemala: banana puree & clarified banana juice concentrate
- Nkwaleni Processors / South Africa: juice conc./cells/oils from grapefruit (white & red), lemon and orange

In addition we offer from various long term partners fruits puree, juices, concentrates, cells and oils of the following segments:
- tropical
- citrus
- pome & stone fruits
- berries
in conventional and organic quality.

We sell to companies on all 5 continents and provide various logistic services.

Please visit our stand in hall 5C F204 and meet our passionated team.


SIAL Paris 24
5C - D-099

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