Bur Distribution Accent Bio

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Legal name
Bur Holding
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Full name
Laure Summa Guilbault

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Identification number
722 053 113 00030
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Éric BUR's motto is based on three concepts: Travel, Taste and Innovate. Our teams have travelled to many countries, roamed fields and orchards, visited numerous factories and workshops, and met men and women who are passionate about their work. This is how our company has come to promote more than just know-how, it's an art of living: the magic of being able to transform an ordinary meal into an extraordinary moment.

Thanks to our range of products from the 4 corners of the world, you can give free rein to your imagination, without restraint, by creating or enhancing your own recipes.

Fancy a trip to Italy? What could be simpler, with our range of IGP Due Vittorie balsamic vinegar from Modena.

Fancy a trip to India? It's child's play with our tandoori blend and Raajmahal basmati rice.

Fancy an American breakfast? So simple with Mississippi Belle pancake mix and Soul of Canada maple syrup.

Our range is full of nuggets, so don't hesitate to browse our entire online shop and let yourself be tempted by our 800 or so products.


Gourmet selection 24
5.2 A-059

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