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Carrer de Lepant, 196, 08223 Terrassa, Spain
Full name
Vladimir Fileski Trifunovski

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CHOCOLAT FACTORY is an example of a company that cares as much about the product as it does about the image. Founded in 1997, Chocolate Factory is nowadays a medium-sized company with around 20 stores in Spain and is considered to be Barcelona’s pride: unique craftsmanship, design and taste, over 300 skillfully designed and produced chocolate products, all handcrafted in an artisan workshop and selected afterwards literally one by one.

Chocolat Factory is a 100% gluten and palm oil free workshop that only uses rigorously selected raw materials and natural ingredients from the best sources in the world, with acknowledged health benefits such as the ginger or the virgin coconut oil. All of the products are hand-made using finest Belgian chocolate, from sustainable sources (*Cocoa Horizons).

Chocolat Factory has a wide range of product families: pralines, truffles, chocolate bars, citrus, dragees, sugar-free chocolates, products suitable to follow a vegan diet, pure chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa and from the best origins in the world. Additionally the brand offers exclusive and innovative seasonal products for the major campaigns: Halloween, Christmas, Advent Calendar, Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Easter, Mother's Day ....

The design of the products is far from playing a purely cosmetic role. It is part of the personality of the company. The business vision, the passion for good chocolate and the well-presented chocolate products have been awarded with more than 30 awards, among which some are a true crown for the work and dedication of the brand, such as the Prince of Asturias Award for Business Excellence.


SIAL Paris 24
2 R-098

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