De Nigris

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Legal name
De Nigris
Business address
SS Sannitica, 87, 80023 CAIVANO, Italy
Full name
Simona Biondi

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1889 is the year of Armando's birth of Acetificio M. de Nigris.
From artisan passion to international leadership.

You have to go back two centuries, to 1889, to identify the year of birth of Acetificio M. de Nigris, by Armando, the founder. The company's history begins at the end of the 19th century, in what was once the rich and fertile province of Naples and, until a few decades ago, the capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

After the unification of Italy, in a climate of great enthusiasm and openness to new markets, more developed relationships and the effervescence of young Italy, Armando de Nigris, backed by a heritage inherited from his family, rich in age-old recipes handed down from generation to generation, gave life to the production of top-quality wine vinegars.

Since then, the de Nigris family has been passionately dedicated to vinegar production. The motto attributed to Marcello de Nigris: "Borders don't exist" and his farsightedness meant that vinegar quickly went from being a marginal product to an "Italian" condiment recognized the world over.

De Nigris has officially entered a new phase in its history by becoming a charitable company. This step represents our concrete commitment to protecting and promoting the values that have guided us for generations.

The history of the de Nigris company began in 1889, when Armando de Nigris founded the first vinegar factory in Naples, Italy.


SIAL Paris 24
1 E-005

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