Dulcis in Fiore

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Legal name
Dulcis in Fiore Snc
Business address
Viale della Repubblica 287, 87055 San Giovanni in Fiore, Italy
Full name
Giovanni Piccolo
Business manager

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Dulcis in Fiore is the ambitious idea of three young people that is realized, that is to relaunch and enhance, both from the agri-food point of view and from the historical-cultural one, some typical Calabrian dry sweets, but above all the sweet local symbol, the pitta 'mpigliata, which deserves to regain all its historical identity and its nutritional characteristics.
The bond and team spirit that characterize our team are the fundamental secrets for the success of this project that takes shape now, but which has emerged in years of preparation, study and commitment.
We like to emphasize that we are young, but not unprepared or inexperienced. We have simply put together our personal peculiarities, to build something serious, with attention to detail and of excellent quality.
The almost twenty-year experience of Rocco, an operator in the bakery and bakery products sector, combined with the expertise of Marco, a doctor of Food Science and Technology with work experience in the pastry sector, could not be ignored.
So after years of friendship and sharing of ideas, Giovanni, a young engineer, proposed a project idea also putting in place his management skills and technical-administrative support, as well as his previous passion for marketing and communication, finding full support and availability.
The Dulcis in Fiore company aims to enhance its products, leveraging on the following fundamental aspects:
- Use of raw materials of excellent quality, chosen following strict evaluations, which do not aim at economic savings, but at achieving high quality standards;
- Enhancement of local traditions linked to the products themselves, but also to other craft activities closely linked to the territory;
- Sponsorship, enhancement and protection of the 'pitta 'mpigliata' as a typical dessert originally from San Giovanni in Fiore, whose recipe has been, over the decades, imitated, brutalized and depreciated.
- Specific skills and experience of the operators, starting from the founding members themselves, who invest all their knowledge and know-how, both for artisan production and for agri-food research.
- Originality and coherence of the brand, conceived and conceived precisely to enhance the meaning of the local tradition (linked to the symbol of the rose windows of the Florense Abbey, from which the logo was specially designed) and, in the same way, give an idea of beautiful, elegant, refined.
- Care of the packaging, to give the product and the company the right prestige, in total harmony with the concepts set out above about the brand.
The production process requires a strict and constant safeguard of the quality that originates in the choice of excellent raw materials; after that, the standardization of the production process is fundamental, allowed, as well as by the mastery of the operators, by the choice of highly innovative, technological and performing equipment, which allow to obtain products perfectly equal to each other, as well as all in perfect line with what is the original idea and recipe. This avoids the risk that one product is different from another, both in terms of organoleptic perceptions and in terms of nutritional values.
The attention is aimed, therefore, to obtain high quality products fully respecting tradition; products that too often have been brutalized by operators in the sector already present, who, captured by the craving for sales, have gradually used raw materials of second or third choice; moreover, they have greatly reduced the amount of some more expensive raw material, but which strongly characterizes that product, departing from the original recipe, altering and diminishing its image, organoleptic characteristics and nutritional properties.
In fact, we must not forget the countless benefits that some key ingredients have on the body and therefore, although they are confectionery products, it is not negligible that they also have added functional, healthy and nutritional peculiarities. Just think of dried fruit, the undisputed queen especially of pitta 'mpigliata, the spearhead of the company.
Innovation takes shape also and above all in the creation of digital distribution channels that allow you to present and sponsor the company, the products and their history everywhere, even beyond national borders, strong of a Made in Italy that is a certainty of taste and quality, but also and above all strong of the Made in SILA (National Park) tradition.


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