Gennaro Auricchio S.p.A.

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Legal name
Gennaro Auricchio S.p.A.
Business address
Via Dante 27, 26100 Cremona, Italy
Full name
Bassini Enza

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PASSION & TRADITION: world leader in Provolone, AURICCHIO, born in 1877 on the slopes of Vesuvius produces and offers a complete range of great cheeses of the Italian tradition: from Mozzarella to Taleggio AOP, from Gorgonzola AOP to fresh and matured Pecorini, from Parmigiano Reggiano AOP and Grana Padano AOP to Pecorino Romano AOP.

CRAFTSMANSHIP AND INNOVATION: from craftsmanship to product care, from high-quality research to attention in the choice of people. More than 145 years of tradition with unaltered care for production processes.

OUR MISSION: to offer a complete and exclusive range, from the unmissable provolone to the best cheeses of the Italian tradition, produced with artisanal methods and Italian milk.

Our 8 production plants are united by a unique recipe that combines different ingredients: Passion, Quality, Research and Craftsmanship.


SIAL Paris 24
7 E132

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