Grain de Sail

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Legal name
Grain de Sail
Business address
Torréfaction 4, route du bas de la rivière, 29600 Morlaix, France
Full name
Pierre Maruzzi


Grain de Sail® believes in tackling the impossible! Inspired by our past, we innovate for the future. We call it retro-innovating. We operate the world’s first modern cargo sailboat shipping routes between Europe and the Americas. By harnessing the power of the wind, Grain de Sail® can produce and sell great gastronomic products with a low carbon footprint to cross-Atlantic consumers.

Founded in Morlaix, Brittany by the twin Barreau brothers, who are experts in renewable energy, Grain de Sail® wants you to embark on this great sea adventure where organic wines, coffees, chocolates and awesome people come together.

The impossible is becoming reality and Grain de Sail® is doing its small part to respect and nurture our fragile planet!


SIAL Paris 24
5A P-068

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