Gudobele, JSC

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Business information

Legal name
Gudobele, JSC
Business address
J.Basanaviciaus Str 37b, LT-56134 KAISIADORYS, Lithuania
Full name
Danute Karlone


Founded in 1994, today JSC “Gudobele” is amongst Top 5 largest bakeries in Lithuania. We follow ancient traditions to bake authentic, natural and fresh bread and bread crisps.

Back in 2011, we launched “Bon Chance” fried bread crisps followed by “Bon Crisp” flatbreads in 2012.

In 2018 we created our healthier alternative to “Bon Chance”- the oven baked bread crisps “Bon Joy”. “Bon Chance” received great feedback from our international partners and we have been successfully selling them in Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, UK, Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Israel, USA, Canada.

From the very first day, our goal has been to recreate the taste that is real, natural and authentic. Our timeless recipes have been passed down through the generations.

We are here to.:
Uphold the Lithuanian traditions of bread baking
Promote and popularize the consumption of Lithuanian bread and related products
Develop and expand the export of long-life Lithuanian bread-based products

"Gudobele"​ adheres to such quality, environmental protection and food safety standarts as IFS.


SIAL Paris 24
5B J-147

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