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Business address
28. října 3346/91, 702 00 OSTRAVA, Czech Republic
Full name
Martin Doležal


HOT-CHIP was founded in the Czech Republic in 2019. We entered the market with the unique product HOT-CHIP Challenge. HOT-CHIP Challenge is a tortilla chip made from the world's hottest chillies. Thanks to this Challenge, the company was able to expand into the markets of Slovakia, Germany, Austria, France and Denmark at the end of 2020. However, our focus is not just on this challenge, as we are true lovers and admirers of chilli, which is why we are now concentrating on marketing top-of-the-range chilli-based products.

Our products include spices, peppers, jams, syrups, sauces, protein-rich crisps and much more. The design of our products follows the basic concept of the HOT-CHIP Challenge and are packaged in premium quality, environmentally friendly packaging. We carefully monitor the quality of our products. Our aim is not to produce a large number of products; we concentrate on producing small batches so that we can maintain the highest quality ourselves. For this reason, some of our products are only available during the season when their fresh ingredients are available. We believe that the future lies in products that are produced in small batches, locally and in an environmentally-friendly way.


SIAL Paris 24
6B H-081

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