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Ambachtstraat 2, 8750 WINGENE, Belgium
Full name
Lynn Persyn


For over 60 years, LIPCAS nv has been at your service with a quality range of Poffertjes, Pancakes, and Butter. We supply not only the food industry, such as retail and industrial bakeries, but also meat processing industries, large kitchens, artisan bakers and butchers, or local restaurateurs. Additionally, we also deliver to countless supermarkets and grocery stores. LIPCAS has also built a strong reputation with schools and associations. Countless young people have earned pocket money by selling pancakes to fund their school trips or youth camps.

One of the advantages of LIPCAS is a fast and regular delivery service, so you don't need to stock large quantities but can always serve your customers with fresh products. Naturally, all our products are manufactured, stored, and delivered according to the strictest hygiene standards, as evidenced by the various certificates we proudly hold.

After a major fire on 01/06/2022, our focus from 2023 onwards is on the production of Pancakes and Poffertjes for Retail Supermarkets, with deliveries worldwide. We also produce for Schools and Associations on request, using ultra-modern machines with the most advanced technological features.


SIAL Paris 24
5B R-145

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