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Medico D. Manuel Medina, 90, 30180 Bullas, Spain
Full name
Joaquin Fernandez

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We are pleased to welcome you to our company. Its origin is linked to the almond tree, the olive, the milling of flour, and the canned vegetables within the PEREZ ESCAMEZ family.

MENSAJERO ALIMENTACION, SL emerged in the year 2000 as an initiative to concentrate in a single place and a single company the facilities and business knowledge of manufacturing canned vegetables from various canning generations that emerged in the town of Bullas (Murcia) , some with origins in the year 1921 .

This is how MENSAJERO ALIMENTACION emerged, which currently markets its products under brands such as: “Messenger”, “Escámez”, “Escamus”, “Kines” and “Paraíso”, in addition to the white brands of several of our clients. year of its creation, 2000, the current Management of MESAJERO ALIMENTACIÓN, SL set out to create a culture within the Organization, with the aim of satisfying the needs of its customers, offering them products that maximize their expectations in terms of quality and service.

To this end, it assumed a commitment to the implementation and maintenance of a management system that guarantees the hygiene and safety control of all its products, through the analysis of existing risks and their prevention and correction, in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 and BRC and IFS standards.

Finally, as part of this commitment, it permanently promotes the basic principles that constitute the Quality Management Policy of MENSAJERO ALIMENTACIÓN SL, which provide the framework for establishing and reviewing its objectives.


SIAL Paris 24
2 M-105

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