
Profile verified

Business information

Legal name
Monil di melardi giusy
Business address
via Emilia 26, 95034 bronte, Italy
Full name
Giusy Melardi

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


Fire, water, and culture, these are the pillars of Sicily.
MONIL part by this incredible earth to create his collection of culinary products unique.
The pistachio of Bronte, almonds from Noto, and extra virgin olive oil sicilian olive oil.
Only the highest quality materials and craftsmanship sicula,
all enclosed in chests of luxury to enhance the preciousness
Here is the jewel MONIL.
The company caters to the sales points that wish to offer their customers the specialties of sicily,
taste rare and precious, where the flavor is defined, perfect,
able to convince every palate and enchant.

Behind the brand MONIL hides one study sought to exalt the value of the company.
Thus was born the brand MONIL, that comes from a jewel (jewel) and that it contains
in one word the mission of the company that is transforming the best products of sicilian jewelry.
The logo is a crown formed by the M MONIL and a tip, at the center, which represents the Etna,
the volcano on whose slopes is located the company and a good portion of the crops marketed.


SIAL PARIS 2022 ; SIAL Paris 24

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