Tropical Cubes Co Ltd

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Business address
Morcellement St André, 20901 Pamplemousses, Mauritius
Full name
Arnaud Raffray

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


Tropical Cubes is a partnership between a German and a Mauritian company specialized in the marketing of sugars

We started our activities in the 90' ​​with the production of the rough cut cane sugar cubes which were mainly targeted to the German and the UK markets.

Since then, we have diversified our activities and can now pack a whole range of Mauritian special sugars which are exported to various world destinations.

As part of our commitment to maintain the quality and food safety of our products, Tropical Cubes industrial site is HACCP certified

We play an active role in the Mauritian Sugar industry and is a privileged partner of the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate.

We collaborate closely with this organization to export our products, promote Mauritian special sugars and the Fairtrade label.


SIAL PARIS 2022 ; SIAL Paris 24
5A F-162

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