Trufflechile Export

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Business information

Legal name
Cuatro Zetas SPA
Business address
Antonio Bellet 143, Providencia, 7500025 Santiago, Chile
Full name
Loreto Valenzuela
Director and co founder

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We are a family export company who has been related to truffles just since 2018 but has a long relation with export business mainly in fresh and dry fruits.
So, to be creative we wanted to start our own truffle export company and we did it just this 2022 with our first export of fresh truffles during last June & July to Switzerland and Italy.

We are pleased to introduce you our black winter truffle raised in the Chilean Patagonia, through our growers since 2007, when they started their plantations and began to get involved in this magical world of humidity smell, nice taste of earth and blueberry mixed with artichoke and its delicious gourmet preparations.

We are 4 partners, married couples, which are willing to show to the world the delicious truffles and, in the near future, morels & mushrooms from Chile.

When Chilean fresh truffle season is over, we are exporting sub products with truffles, such as the samples we have today with us at the convention:
Ghee with truffles
Toffee sauce with truffles
Tapenade with truffles among other products to be available soon like mustard & cheese with truffles.

Please join us at the convention in hall 4, Chilean Pavilion, booth 191 - TRUFFLECHILE EXPORT.


SIAL PARIS 2022 ; SIAL Paris 24

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