Westfleisch SCE mbH

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Business information

Legal name
Westfleisch SCE mbH
Business address
Fridtjof-Nansen-Weg 5a, 48155 Münster, Germany
Full name
Jan-Bernd Stärk

Legal information

V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU
DE 126 116 521


Westfleisch is one of the TOP-5 meat marketers in Europe for high quality meat products: pork, beef and veal, fresh and self-service packed fresh meat, processed meat products, fresh or frozen.
The Westfleisch group is a leading meat marketer in Germany and Europe. The headquarter of the farmers-owned cooperative is based in Münster, North-Rhine Westphalia/Germany.

Seven subsidiaries and meat plants slaughter, cut, process and refine meat and convenience specialties. One of the Westfleisch sites is the most powerful slaughterhouse for cattle in Germany.

Westfleisch was originally established in 1928 and is now owned by about 4,700 farmers, breeding animals for slaughter on the basis of cooperation contracts.

For this reason, Westfleisch is able to guarantee safety and quality along the whole process chain in particular.


SIAL PARIS 2022 ; SIAL Paris 24
6 E-254

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