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Village. Saguramo, 3311 MTSKHETA, Georgia
Full name
Sandro Kakuria


“Georgian Beer Company was founded by Cezar Chochelli's business group in 2011. It is the third largest group of beer and lemonade companies established on Georgian territory. The 80 million Zedazeni investment project was carried out with 100% Georgian capital. Given the complexity of the market, the business project was truly risky and daring, but after 8 months, “Zedazeni” has become a symbol of victory and success in the Georgian business environment. Exactly 8 months after the start of construction in an absolutely desolate location, production from the factories was waiting for the customer on the shelves of the entire sales network across the country.

The choice of this location is explained by its geographical situation. Based on various geological discoveries, the decision was made to build the plant at the foot of the Zedazeni hill, so that the unique groundwater patterns revealed and predicted the company's future success. At one stage, the company was extracting water from its own gourds at a depth of 150 meters. The company, with its concept, planning, production equipment and technologies, management systems and style, can be described as an innovation and a new word in non-alcoholic beer production and the beer industry throughout the region, as it is the only company whose portfolio combines local and licensed beers, energy drinks, spring water, flavored water and iced tea.


SIAL Paris 24
5C E-092

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