Terms of Service

Terms of Sales

CENTRALE ETHNIQUE is a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 440,000.00 euros, registered with the RCS of Salon de Provence, under number 521 169 862, and whose head office is located at ZA Clésud - Bât M3 - 4 rue Comte de la Pérouse - France. Centrale-ethnique.com is an e-commerce site offering food products for sale to professional buyers.

1. Preamble

These general conditions of sale (“GTC”) determine the terms under which the professional customer acquires one or more products on the website centrale-ethnique.com (“Site”). They apply automatically to any order of products made by the customer on the Site. The fact of registering on the Site implies the customer's full and unreserved acceptance of these T&Cs.

The customer acknowledges that he has not relied on any declaration or promise made or given by CENTRALE ETHNIQUE which is not stipulated in these GCS. CENTRALE ETNIQUE reserves the right to modify these T&Cs at any time and without prior notice.

2. Definitions

"Customer": means any natural or legal person, acting in a professional capacity, who places an Order for the purchase of Products on the Site.


"Order": means the order for Products made by the Customer on the Site.

"GTC": refers to these general terms and conditions of sale. They are freely available on the Site and must be read and accepted by the Customer.

"Products": refers to the products posted online and available for purchase on the Site, which the Customer may acquire by placing an Order. CENTRALE ETNIQUE reserves the right to modify the Products at any time.

"Parties": refers to the Client and/or CENTRALE ETHNIC.

"Site": refers to the website www.centrale-ethnique.com.

"User": refers to the Internet user browsing the Site.

3. Scope

These T&Cs apply automatically to any Order. The fact of placing an Order implies the Customer's full and unreserved acceptance of these T&Cs. These T&Cs constitute the sole basis for commercial negotiations, in accordance with Article L. 441-1 III of the Commercial Code, between CENTRALE ETHNIQUE and the Customer. They prevail over any other condition or document issued by CENTRALE ETHNIC and exchanged or not between the Parties. Any particular derogating condition, or adding to the GCS, must be subject to prior written acceptance by CENTRALE ETHNIC. The Customer acknowledges that he has not relied on any declaration or promise made or given by CENTRALE ETHNIQUE, which would not be stipulated in the GCS. CENTRALE ETHNIC reserves the right to modify and update the T&Cs. All orders will be subject to the T&Cs in force at the time of the Order. In the event that one of the clauses of these T&Cs is void due to a change in legislation, regulations or by a court decision, this can in no way affect the validity and compliance with the other clauses of the T&Cs. .

4. Use of the site and registration

Unlike simple navigation on the Site, the placing of an Order by the Customer is subject to mandatory prior registration. Registration is done through a form in which the User must fill in: company name and trade name if existing, SIREN number, APE code, intra-community VAT number, head office address, e-mail address and telephone number. contact's phone number.

This information is necessary for the processing and delivery of Orders and the establishment of invoices, and more generally, for the proper execution of these GCS. CENTRALE ETHNIC reserves the right to verify its accuracy.

In order to access his customer account, the user then fills in the field: "Username" which corresponds to his email address and the field "Password".

In any event, usernames and passwords are strictly personal and confidential. Under no circumstances should they be shared or communicated to third parties. The User and the Client are solely responsible for the use of these identification elements, as well as for the actions and/or declarations made through their personal account on the Site, and guarantee CENTRALE ETHNIC against any request in this regard. title.

In the event of loss or forgetting of his password, the User or the Customer has the possibility of clicking on a link specially provided for this purpose: "Forgotten password". So he will have to enter his email address to receive a link that will allow him to generate a new password.

The use of the Site by the Customer is the sole responsibility of the latter. CENTRALE ETHNIC can not be held responsible, in particular, for computer viruses, breakdowns, loss of data or errors that may be observed

The Site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, CENTRALE ETHNIQUE cannot be held responsible in the event of events that could hinder the continuity of access to the Site, and reserves the right to make the Site inaccessible. if necessary, in particular in the event of maintenance or technical malfunction.

CENTRALE ETNIQUE cannot be held responsible for consequential damages that may be related to the placing of one or more orders for Products.

5. Orders

As soon as the Customer wishes to add a Product to the basket, if he is not connected beforehand, then he will be obliged to identify himself to his customer account. The Customer must then fill in the necessary fields to identify himself, by entering his username and password, communicated during his registration.

The Customer selects the Products he wishes to purchase. The price of the Products is mentioned for each Product available. In the event that the Customer benefits from special rates, when connecting to his account, the rates for each of the Products, on which he benefits from a personalized rate, will be updated automatically. Without connection, or without personalized tariff, the general tariff is displayed.

A minimum Order amount applies, as mentioned on the Site.

The Customer, by clicking on "SEE MY BASKET", then obtains an order summary, mentioning in particular the price of the Products, their quantity and their unit cost excluding tax. The Customer may modify his order and correct any errors he has made, at any time. The Customer can then click on the "ORDER" tab if the summary order status suits him.

The Customer clicks on the “ORDER” box validates his delivery address and clicks on “next”.

Then he chooses his mode of payment then, if necessary, pays by credit card by filling in the necessary fields. In the event that the Customer benefits from special payment conditions, he will pay for his Order under the usual payment conditions already confirmed with CENTRALE ETHNIQUE.

Payment takes place exclusively in Euros and the final amount is displayed and paid including tax. Online payment is secure via Lyra Collect. An order number will then be assigned to the Customer by CENTRALE ETHNIQUE, once the Order has been duly validated and payment has been accepted by LYRA.

The Order is then registered. Upon receipt of payment for the order, CENTRALE ETHNIC sends an order confirmation by e-mail to the Customer.

In the event that LYRA refuses to validate payment by bank card for the Customer's Order, it will not be able to be completed and the Customer will be informed.

The order can no longer be modified after receipt of confirmation of payment for the Order by the Customer.

Orders are kept by the Customer and CENTRALE ETNIQUE in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

6. Delivery

The Products are delivered by CENTRALE ETNIQUE or directly by one of its carriers or suppliers, to the Customer, under the conditions and deadlines defined by CENTRALE ETNIQUE in the order confirmation. The deadlines are indicative, and no delay of any duration and/or nature whatsoever may give rise to compensation or a refusal by the Customer to take possession of the Products.

Any delivery costs applicable to the Order are indicated before validation of the Order by the Customer.

Removal 72h, delivery method where the customer is responsible for his goods, it is he who comes to collect his goods 3 days after having received the validation of his order. Please note that he is obliged to present himself with a vehicle that complies with the safety and weight rules. In the event that the customer arrives with a vehicle that cannot accommodate the loading of the delivery, Centrale Ethnique will be obliged and entitled to refuse to load the goods.

In the absence of the presence of the Customer, or one of its representatives, during the delivery, CENTRALE ETHNIQUE reserves the right to invoice the Customer for the costs related to the new delivery round.

7. Reception

In any case, the Customer must ensure that the Products delivered can be stored in conditions consistent with their conservation (in particular with regard to compliance with the cold chain).

The Customer checks the Products upon receipt. In the event of a lack of conformity, he issues precise and exhaustive reservations in writing on the transport document, which he confirms within three working days by mail with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the carrier, and a copy of which is sent to CENTRALE ETHNIQUE . It is up to the Customer to provide any justification as to the reality of the defects observed. The Customer gives CENTRALE ETHNIQUE every facility to ascertain the reality of the defects and provide a solution, and refrains from intervening itself or having a third party intervene.

8. Product prices and availability

Unless otherwise stated, the selling prices are indicated in Euros excluding and including tax.

The applicable prices are those indicated at the time of placing the order and recalled in the confirmation of the Order.

The Products are offered for sale as long as they are visible on the Site without mention of out of stock or pre-order, and the offers are only valid within the limits of available stocks.

9. Transfer of ownership and risk

The risks are transferred to the Customer as soon as the Products are handed over to the carrier.

The Products remain the property of CENTRALE ETNIQUE until full payment of the price by the Customer in principal, interest and accessories, if applicable.

10. Warranty and liability

The Customer is solely responsible for the management of his stocks. Consequently, CENTRALE ETHNIC will not consider any complaint related to storage conditions or exceeding the date of minimum durability (DDM).

The Product warranty is that provided by the manufacturers of said Products. CENTRALE ETNIQUE cannot be held responsible in this respect. CENTRALE ETNIQUE is not bound by any other guarantee or commitment, express or tacit, concerning the Products, including in particular the guarantees of non-infringement of intellectual property rights, of merchantable quality, of obtaining particular results, of satisfactory quality and suitability for a specific use.

CENTRALE ETNIQUE's liability is limited to direct damage resulting from its own fault or negligence, and is strictly limited to the amount of the Order concerned.

11. Intellectual property

CENTRALE ETHNIC is the sole owner and/or holder of the rights to use the content and applications of the Site, including in particular the logos, registered trademarks, texts, photographs, images, drawings, models. Any use and/or order under these GCS shall in no way be interpreted as including any transfer or any license to use the intellectual property rights of CENTRALE ETHNIQUE relating to the Site.

The Customer acknowledges that all information and commercial or other documentation, of any nature whatsoever, that CENTRALE ETNIQUE may be required to communicate to it for the purposes of executing an Order, are and remain the exclusive property of the latter. .

Consequently, outside the framework of these T&Cs, any total or partial reproduction or representation of the Site and the content used by CENTRALE ETHNIQUE, as well as visuals of the Products or the Products themselves, made available to the Customer, whatever whatever their form, is prohibited without the prior written consent of CENTRALE ETHNIC.

All content belonging to third parties and present on the Site is protected by law and any reproduction or representation must be authorized in advance by the holder of the rights relating to this content.

12. Confidentiality of customer data

CENTRALE ETNIQUE pays particular attention to the management of the data collected and processed when the Customer places an Order. The Customer acknowledges that the data collected is necessary to ensure the management of the customer relationship, the management of Orders, and more broadly, the execution of these GCS.

As the Parties are both professionals acting as such within the framework of these GCS, no personal data within the meaning of European Regulation No. 2016/679, known as the general data protection regulation, is collected by CENTRALE ETHNIC.

Any User or Client has a right of opposition, access and rectification of all the information concerning him collected by CENTRALE ETHNIC. He may, at any time, demand that the information concerning him be rectified, completed, clarified, updated or deleted, by contacting CENTRALE ETHNIC:

By e-mail to the following address: [email protected];

By post to the following address: 4 rue comte de la Pérouse - Bât M3 - ZA Clésud - 13140 Miramas - France.

Any Customer who has registered on the Site has the possibility of unsubscribing at any time, by e-mail or by post, indicating in particular his Customer number and the subject of his request.

13. Duration

These T&Cs come into force upon registration of the User on the Site and for an indefinite period.

CENTRALE ETNIQUE may terminate it in the event of contrary use by the User or the Client, in the event of payment fraud, attempted fraud, or any other offence.

The User or the Customer may terminate it by unsubscribing in accordance with the terms of these GCS.

14. Force majeure and unforeseen circumstances

None of the Parties shall be liable for any non-performance of its obligations under the GCS resulting from a case of force majeure as defined by law and the case law of French courts and tribunals. Force majeure means any situation that was unforeseeable at the time of the conclusion of the GCS, irresistible in its execution and in particular: strike action at the national level; riots; fire or explosion; exceptional weather conditions; earthquake; civil war ; riots; particularly serious acts of terrorism, epidemics.

The Parties, as professionals, decide to expressly exclude the intervention of the judge under the application of article 1195 of the Civil Code.

15. Applicable law and competent courts

These T&Cs are subject to French law.

For any dispute relating to the formation, execution or termination of commercial relations between CENTRALE ETHNIQUE and the Customer, which could not be resolved amicably, only the commercial court of Marseille - FRANCE - will be competent, notwithstanding multiple defendants or warranty claims, including for emergency procedures, conservatory procedures in summary proceedings or by motion.

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