Agrolegumi SPA

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Agrolegumi SPA
Corso Vittorio Emanuele 90, 80053 Castellammare di Stabia, Italie
Contact entreprise
Umberto Vollono
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Agrolegumi, has its factory in San Marzano sul Sarno (Salerno, Italy), a district among the best-known in the world for the production of canned pulses. Covering an area of 13.000 square meters, the plant has an annual production capacity of about 100 million cans in three different packing sizes (400g, 800g, 2500g). A young, qualified management is supported by the senior founder, Mr. Tobia Vollono, in focussing on the mission of providing a top quality product, meeting the most diverse nutritional needs and cultures. Strong investments into advanced technologies, high-quality raw materials, best standards in hygiene
and safety, have allowed us to qualify for the most demanding specifications.
Significant certifications such as Organic, BRC/A, IFS and others have been secured. Our main target markets are Italy, Germany, the UK, the North
America, Asia, Africa, and Australia.


SIAL PARIS 2022 ; SIAL Paris 24

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