Brontedolci srl

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Brontedolci srl
Viale John Kennedy stabilimento 37 (zona artigianale), 95034 Bronte, Italie
Contact entreprise
Pietro Bellitto
Type d'activité
Export manager

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Haute Patisserie in Bronte, since 1997
Brontedolci is a family pastry company founded in Bronte, dated 1997. We are pastry chef for passion, that’s what we like call ourselves, people that make their own dream their lifestyle. Our aim: create delicacies and spread the flavors of the antique Sicilian confectionary tradition around the world.

We make our desserts with extreme care and passion, using only the best local ingredients, such as Sicilian pistachios, almonds or Cioccolato di Modica, in according to our tradition. These are the same things that have allowed us to become the great company we are today, one of the most appreciated in the field of Sicilian confectionery and, above all, in the pistachio dessert making. Nothing is left to chance, every product is presented to the market in stylish and innovative packaging that encourages the purchase by betting on “sicilianity” and excellent jewel.

Brontedolci works with companies and clients that are in keeping with its philosophy: same values and passion which is to create high quality products made with the best ingredients. Brontedolci has therefore great respect for the most discerning palates, thanks to a production that has 40 references declined in various traditional sweets: Nougat, Panettone, Brittle, Easter Dove, Pesto, Creams, Cakes.
We love what we do and adore working with our hands.


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