Conservas Portugal Norte

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Conservas Portugal Norte, Lda
Rua Sousa Aroso, 580/620, 4450-287 Matosinhos, Portugal
Contact entreprise
Claudio Ribeiro
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Established in 1912, CONSERVAS PORTUGAL NORTE, LDA. is a family-run business, with great tradition in the production and trade of canned fish, namely Sardines, Tuna and Mackerel, among others, in various sauces and presentations. The factory, located in Matosinhos – PORTUGAL near the fishing port, guarantees a continuous supply of fresh fish.
Motivated by his passion for canned fish and the success of the company, the patriarch António Faustino decided, years later, to invest in the creation of a new factory, located in the fishing port in the city of Figueira da Foz. BRIOSA CONSERVAS DE PESCADO was born from the need to increase the production capacity of the group and, to this day, it works hand in hand with CONSERVAS PORTUGAL NORTE, to reach more markets and consumers each day.
Throughout the years, CONSERVAS PORTUGAL NORTE has successfully managed to combine the integration of new production technologies with the maintenance of the Portuguese Tradition of quality in canned fish, also maximizing the excellent taste of its products.
All stages of the productive process, from the careful selection of raw material to the efficient control of the production, are integrant parts of a strict process based on the analysis and control of all critical points (HACCP).
Owner of “PORTHOS”, “INÊS” and “CONSERVEIRA”brands, among others, the quality of its products is recognized in every corner of the Earth.
Always concerned with the needs of its demanding clients all over the World, CONSERVAS PORTUGAL NORTE main goal is to provide a healthy product (totally natural, with no added preservatives and very rich in Omega 3) of excellent quality and at competitive prices.


SIAL Paris 2024
2 J-012

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