Upper Egypt For Food Industries

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Upper Egypt For Food Industries
4 Mohamed Taimour st. Sant Fatima Sq. Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt., 11757 Cairo, Egypte
Contact entreprise
Ueffi Ueffi
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N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Over the past year, our Company has been working with other stakeholders to better define how business can serve the needs of society and to upgrade the company activities in terms of production local sales & export. We are seeking to Create Shared Values which we believe that it will lead our business to be successful on the long run; it must consider the needs of two primary stakeholders at the same time whom are our People and our Shareholders. Our Target is to become the Market leader among the frozen vegetables & fruits industry in Egypt, Middle- East, and Africa with its known premium quality, while focusing on developing and maintaining a long- term rapport with our stakeholders. We are confident that our quality, punctual delivery of orders & brand identity will provide an excellent added value that is expected to delight our customers. We are aiming to have the first private sector approved lab in Egypt which will also serve other food manufacturers in Upper Egypt. This fundamental purpose that differentiates UEFFI apart from other companies of its type and identifies the scope of its operations in product and market terms is the company’s mission. UEFFI’s mission is broadly framed but enduring statement of the company’s intent. It embodies the business philosophy of our management strategic decision makers, implies the image that UEFFI seeks to project, reflects UEFFI self-concept, and indicates the UEFFI’s principal of product or service areas and the primary customer needs that we attempt to satisfy. We are committed to provide high quality-healthy products to our customers, which participates in developing the community surrounding, as we believe that each member in the society should help in developing the community and as a part of the community it is our obligation to act accordingly. I am certain that the actions we took from the date of the company’s establishment till now will ensure that UEFFI potential gets stronger by each passing day. I want to emphasize that the Board of Directors and the entire management team are committed to deliver superior value and returns to our Customers and shareholders. I also want to emphasize that we cannot achieve our potential without a talented and committed workforce. I extend my sincerest gratitude to all our employees for their hard work, dedication and commitment to innovation and responsibility.


SIAL Paris 24
5A U-184

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