Compagnie des Vins d'Autrefois

Vins effervescents Crémant de Bourgogne - Mousseux

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Product’s description

Crémant de Bourgogne is the sparkling wine appellation for Burgundy and covers around 2760 ha of vineyards. Produced by the traditional method, the dominant grape varieties used are Pinot Noir and chardonnay, but also Gamay, Aligoté, Melon and Sacy.

Sparkling wines benefiting from the controlled designation of origin "Bourgogne mousseux" are made from the region's traditional black grape varieties, the pinot noir N and gamay N grape varieties. Depending on usage, certain white grape varieties may be present, mixed in the plots of vines or in the blend to make up the cuvées, in minimal proportions.


Compagnie des Vins d'Autrefois
3 Place Notre Dame, 21200 Beaune, France

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3 Place Notre Dame, 21200 Beaune, France

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